Houston e-Commerce Company goes Net Zero on Energy Consumption

A Houston based e-commerce company has installed 24 natural gas fired mCCHP (micro combined cooling, heating and power) units and a 144 kW solar array (464 panels) that is displacing nearly 1 MW of electricity. The system also includes a battery back-up to ensure an uninterruptible power supply, or UPS. 

For more information on how you can install and finance a project of your own, please contact us.




Congregation Beth Israel, Austin, TX Uses PACE

Congregation Beth Israel, a Jewish synagogue in Austin Texas used PACE to upgrade its building.  PACE, an acronym for Property Assessed Clean Energy is used by both commercial businesses and not-for-profits to finance energy improvements that make financial sense. In this case, a $435,500 comprehensive retrofit produced $35,000 in energy savings - a direct reduction in operating costs. Energy improvement measures included: New Chiller and Boiler Systems and Window Tinting. The improvement costs were offset by locally available gas and energy rebates.